LinkedIn: C# (C Sharp) | Skill Assessment Quiz Solutions-1 | APDaga

▸ C# (C Sharp) | LinkedIn Skill Assessment Quiz Solutions-1

LinkedIn: C# (C Sharp) | Skill Assessment Quiz Solutions-1 | APDaga

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C# (C Sharp): Solution-1Solution-2

  1. In which of these situations are interfaces better than abstract classes?

    • When you need to define an object type’s characteristics, use an interface. When you need to define an object type’s capabilities, use an abstract class.
    • Interfaces are a legacy of older versions of C#, and are interchangeable with the newer abstract class feature.
    • When you need a list of capabilities and data that are classes-agnostic, use an interface. When you need a certain object type to share characteristics, use an abstract class.
    • You should use both an interface and an abstract class when defining any complex object.

  1. Which statement is true of delegates?

    • Delegates are not supported in the current version of C#
    • They cannot be used as callbacks.
    • Only variables can be passed to delegates as parameters.
    • They can be chained together.

  1. Which choice best defines C#'s asynchronous programming model?

    • reactive
    • inherited callback
    • task-based
    • callback-based

  1. How would you determine if a class has a particular attribute?

    • A
    var type = typeof(SomeType);
    var attribute = type.GetCustomAttribute<SomeAttribute>();
    • B
    var typeof(MyPresentationModel).Should().BeDecoratedWith<SomeAttribute>();
    • C
    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute, typeof(SubControllerActionToViewDataAttribute)
    • D
    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ExampleController), typeof(SubControllerActionToViewDataAttribute))

  1. What is the difference between the ref and out keywords?

    • Variables passed to out specify that the parameter is an output parameter, while ref specifies that a variable may be passed to a function without being initialized.
    • Variables passed to ref can be passed to a function without being initialized, while out specifies that the value is a reference value that can be changed inside the calling method.
    • Variables passed to out can be passed to a function without being initialized, while ref specifies that the value is a reference value that can be changed inside the calling method.
    • Variables passed to ref specify that the parameter is an output parameter, while out specifies that a variable may be passed to a function without being initialized.

  1. How could you retrieve information about a class, as well as create an instance at runtime?

    • reflection
    • serialization
    • abstraction
    • dependency injection

  1. What is this code an example of?

    private static object objA;
    private static object objB;
    private static void performTaskA()
        lock (obj)
            lock (objA) { }
    private static void PerformTaskB()
        lock (objA)
            lock (objB) { }
    • a private class that uses multithreading
    • multithread coding
    • thread mismanagement
    • a potential deadlock

  1. What is the difference between an anonymous type and a regular data type?

    • Anonymous types don’t have type names
    • Anonymous types can only be static
    • Anonymous types can be used only in struts
    • Anonymous types don’t work with LINQ.

  1. When would you use a Dictionary rather that an Array type in your application?

    • when you need a jagged collection structure
    • when you need to store values of the same type
    • when you need to store key-value pairs rather than single values
    • when you need an ordered, searchable list

  1. What is the difference between a.Equals(b) and a == b?

    • The .Equals method compares reference identities while the == compares contents.
    • The .Equals method compares primitive values while == compares all values.
    • The .Equals method compares contents while == compares references reference identity.
    • The .Equals method compares reference type while == compares primitive value types.

  1. Which choice best describes a deadlock situation?

    • when you try to instantiate two objects at the same time in the same class or struct
    • when you are trying to execute an action after a user event is registered
    • when simultaneous instructions are waiting on each other to finish before executing
    • when you try to execute a series of events simultaneously on multiple threads

  1. How does the async keyword work?

    • It allows access to asynchronous methods in the C# API
    • It allows thread pooling and synchronous processes in static classes.
    • It allows the await keyword to be used in a method
    • It allows access to synchronous methods in the C# API

  1. What is an object in C#?

    • a class or struct, including its variables and functions
    • a primitive data type that can be created only at compile time
    • a value type that can be used only with an abstract class
    • an instance of a class or struct that includes fields, properties, and/or methods

  1. Which code snippet declares an anonymous type named userData?

    • var<<!---->T> userData = new <<!---->T> { name = "John", age = 32 };
    • var userData = new { name = "John", age = 32 };
    • AType userData = new AType { name = "John", age = 32 };
    • Anonymous<T> userData = new Anonymous<T> { name = "John", age = 32 };

  1. What will be returned when this method is executed?
    public void userInput(string charParamters) { }

    • nothing
    • a Boolean
    • a string variable
    • an integer

  1. In what order would the employee names in this example be printed to the console?

    string[] employees = { "Joe", "Bob", "Carol", "Alice", "Will" };
    IEnumerable<string> employeeQuery = from person in employees
                                        orderby person
                                        select person;
    foreach(string employee in employeeQuery)
    • ascending
    • unordered
    • descending
    • first in, first out

  1. Lambda expressions are often used in tandem with which of the following?

    • Namespaces
    • LINQ
    • Type Aliasing
    • Assemblies

  1. What is the correct formatting for single line and multiline comments?
    • // - Single Line
      - Multiline
    • // Multiline
      /_ Single Line _/
    • //* Multiline
      / Single Line
    • // Single Line
      /_ Multiline _/

  1. How do you make a method in an abstract class overridable?

    • Make it public
    • Make it static
    • Make it private
    • Make it virtual

  1. How would you write code for an integer property called Age with a getter and setter?

    • public int Age { get - set }
    • public int Age: get set;
    • public int Age (get, set );
    • public int Age { get; set; }

  1. What is an abstract class?

    • a class that is denoted by the class keyword (can be seen and used by any other class in the system–thus it is by default public)
    • something denoted by the abstract keyword and used system wide; if you want any program to create an object of a class you use the abstract class
    • a class that is denoted by the virtual keyword
    • a class that can be used only as base class

  1. When using a thread pool what happens to a given thread after it finishes its task?

    • The thread is destroyed and memory is freed up.
    • The thread runs in loop until the next assignment.
    • The thread goes inactive in the background and waits for garbage collection.
    • The thread returns to the pool for reuse.

  1. Which choice represents a class that inherits behavior from a base class?

    • a second base class
    • a revised class
    • a derived class
    • a parent class

  1. What does operator overloading allow you to do?

    • hide built-in operatores when necessary
    • add methods to be interpreted by the compiler at runtime
    • define how enums and other primitive value types work within the rest of the application
    • define custom functionality for common operators like addition and equality

  1. What it the main purpose of LINQ?

    • to delete duplicate data
    • to bind namespaces and assemblies
    • to query and transform data
    • to connect assemblies

  1. What is the correct syntax for a new generic list of strings named contacts?

    • public List contacts = new List();
    • public List(string names) contacts = new List(string names)();
    • var contacts = new List();
    • var contacts = new List(string);

  1. What is the difference between throw exceptions and throw clauses?

    • Throw clauses fire only at runtime, while throw exceptions can fire at any time.
    • Throw exceptions overwrite the stack trace, while throw clauses retain the stack information.
    • Throw clauses overwrite the stack trace, while throw exceptions retain the stack information.
    • Throw exceptions fire only at runtime, while throw clauses can fire during compile time.

  1. When an asynchronous method is executed, the code runs but nothing happens other than a compiler warning. What is most likely causing the method to not return anything?

    • The return yield statement is missing at the end of the method.
    • The method is missing an await keyword in its body.
    • The wait keyword is missing from the end of the method.
    • The yield keyword is missing from the method.

  1. What are C# events?

    • system actions that communicate directly with the compiler at runtime
    • actions that execute when the code compiles, generating logs and test output
    • actions that generate notifications, which are sent to their registered listeners** <= Correct
    • user-only methods that send data to the application’s back end

  1. What kind of values can arrays store?

    • unordered collections of numerc values
    • key-value pairs of any C# supported type
    • class and struct instances
    • multiple variables, or collections, of the same type

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- APDaga DumpBox
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