In this example,
- We will be testing all the module simultaneously we have learnt till now.
- All the modules we have learnt till now, are the most common and widely used for any application.
- I was using these module and developing the code for BLDC motor control, So, some terms / Nomenclature used in the code is related to BLDC application.
- This is not the final BLDC Motor control Program. (I cant public that code due to some reasons)
- This code will give you brief idea about how a real life application can be implemented using DSP.
Problem Statement:
- 3 External Interrupts at PC[2](IRQ5), PC[3](IRQ6) & PA[5](IRQ7) are enabled for both Rising and Falling Edge 20KHz PWM at A_top: eMIOS0_1 => PA[1], A_bot: eMIOS0_2 => PA[2], B_top: eMIOS0_3 => PA[3], B_bot: eMIOS0_4 => PA[4], C_top: eMIOS0_5 => PA[5], C_bot: eMIOS0_6 => PA[6].
Program Outcome:
20KHz PWM at eMIOS0_1 => PA[1], eMIOS0_2 => PA[2], eMIOS0_3 => PA[3], eMIOS0_4 => PA[4], eMIOS0_5 => PA[5], eMIOS0_6 => PA[6]. Rising Edge @ PC[2](IRQ5) => LED1 ON Falling Edge @ PC[2](IRQ5) => LED1 OFF Rising Edge @ PC[3](IRQ6) => LED2 ON Falling Edge @ PC[3](IRQ6) => LED2 OFF Rising Edge @ PC[5](IRQ7) => LED3 ON Falling Edge @ PC[5](IRQ7) => LED3 OFF Rising Edge @ PC[14](IRQ8) => LED4 ON Falling Edge @ PC[14](IRQ8) => LED4 OFF IRQ5,6,7 Priority = 1 (Max = 15, Min = 0) IRQ5,6,7 Priority = 1 (Max = 15, Min = 0) IRQ8 Priority = 2 (Max = 15, Min = 0)
Connect External Interrupt at PC[2],PC[3] & PC[5] PC[2] => PCR[34] => PIN 117 => IRQ5 PC[3] => PCR[35] => PIN 116 => IRQ6 PC[5] => PCR[37] => PIN 130 => IRQ7 PC[14] => PCR[46] => PIN 3 => IRQ8
Frequency Calculation of PWM: For "x" Hz Frequency, B_VAL = 1/[(x)*10^-6] Duty Cycle Calculation of PWM: For "y" % Duty Cycle, A_VAL = (y)*100/(x)
IRQ_SET0: IRQ 0 to 7 => VectorNum = 41 :(IRQ 0 to 7 have same Priority) IRQ_SET1: IRQ 8 to 15 => VectorNum = 42 :(IRQ 8 to 15 have same Priority) IRQ_SET2: IRQ 16 to 23 => VectorNum = 43 :(IRQ 16 to 23 have same Priority) > 11/5/16: Nested Interrupt Enabled > When 1 interrupt is executing, another interrupt doesn't get triggered. > Program by by Akshay P Daga
Testing:- Output PWM waveform can be observed on DSO.
Make the connections shown below:
- Connect DSO probe +ve terminal to eMIOS0_1 PA[1] and DSO prob gnd to the gnd of the TRK-MPC5606B board.
- Similarly, Connect remaining eMIOS0 and test it.
Click here to see more codes for Freescale/NXP MPC56xx Family.
Feel free to ask doubts in the comment section. I will try my best to solve it.
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Thanks and Regards,
-Akshay P. Daga