[Free] All Graphology Tutorials (Handwriting Analysis with samples) by APDaga

[Free] All Graphology Tutorials (Handwriting Analysis with samples) by APDaga
I learned handwriting analysis (Graphology) in my college days and now I have decided to share my knowledge about handwriting analysis with all of you guys. 

The intention of sharing handwriting analysis knowledge is pure and to help other curious minds like me. Please make use of it for the betterment of society and the world. As all of you know "With great power & knowledge comes great responsibility

Click Here to check out all other Handwriting Analysis / Graphology traits.


  • Our handwriting is a reflection of our personality at the moment. Your handwriting doesn't speak about your future. So, don't expect that you will be doing future predictions using handwriting analysis. 

  • You can know the present state of your mind with handwriting analysis and improve it or make it better with practice and hard work in the proper direction. 

  • Any trait does not indicate anything white or black in your personality. Everyone is unique and their personality is made up of a combination of multiple traits.

  • and the most important thing to remember is "A person's personality changes over the period." If you see something negative in someone's personality that doesn't mean that's permanent."

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▸ Base of the Personality ◂

▸ Sense of Reality ◂

  • 1. Optimist or Pessimist🔗
    ▸This trait talks about the writer's attitude towards life. Whether s/he is an optimist, pessimist or practical in life.

▸ Intensity of Emotions ◂

▸ Level of Concentration ◂

  • 1. Size of Letter🔗

▸ Attachments ◂

  • 1. Page Margins🔗

▸ Thinking Pattern ◂

  • 1. Acquisitive🔗
    ▸This trait talks about the writer's desire to acquire or possess things (material, knowledge, ideas or education).

  • 2. Analytical Thinker🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has the ability to analyse everything about a given situation.

  • 3. Aggressiveness🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is aggressive in nature.

  • 4. Cautious🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is cautious and not impulsive in nature.

  • 5. Cumulative Thinker🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is a cumulative or methodical thinker.

  • 6. Curious & Investigative🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is curious & investigative in nature.

  • 7. Comprehensive Thinker🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is a comprehensive thinker.

  • 8. Independent Thinker🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is an independent thinker who has his own ideas about the way life is.

  • 9. Surface Thinker🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is a surface or quick thinker. 

  • 10. Tenacity🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer holds on to what is his/hers.

  • 11. The Desire for Culture🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has a desire for culture means who likes to travel, adventure, music and fine food.

  • 12. The Desire for Attention🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has a desire for attention means who likes to be the centre of attention.

  • 13. Directness🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer gets to the point without beating around the bush.

  • 14. Pride & Dignity🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer demands respect and expects others to treat them with dignity.

  • 15. Goals🔗
    ▸This trait reveals the level of goals the writer sets for himself.

▸ Relations ◂

  • 1. Anti-Social🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is anti-social and does not trust anyone.

  • 2. Imagination🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has the ability to visualise and see things clearly.

  • 3. Generosity🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is a generous person who is eager to share.

  • 4. Likes Variety🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer needs variety in life and gets bored easily.

  • 5. Physically Experimental🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer demands variety in their physical activities.

  • 6. Socially Selective🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is very selective of people to allow them in their inner circle of friends. 

  • 7. Needs a Challenge🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer gets attracted to challenges.

▸ Fears & Defences ◂

  • 1. Self-Deceit🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer deceives himself about something that is happening to him at the moment.

  • 2. Defiance🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is defiant and resists others' authority.

  • 3. Individualistic🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer tries to stand out from the crowd.

  • 4. Irritability🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is irritated by the present situation or by himself or by others at the time of writing.

  • 5. Perfectionist🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is a perfectionist and spends time putting everything in its place and reviewing work trying to make it precise.

  • 6. Secretive🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer keeps secrets and doesn't trust other people.

  • 7. Sarcasm🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is sarcastic in nature.

  • 8. Self-Control🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has self-control and overcomes their natural and automatic tendencies & behaviour.

  • 9. Self-Conscious🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is self-conscious.

  • 10. Self-Castigation🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has a tendency to punish or criticise oneself.

  • 11. Argumentative🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer likes to argue.

  • 12. Talkative🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has talkative or chatty nature.

  • 13. Stubborn🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is stubborn in nature.

  • 14. Humour🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has a good sense of humour.

▸ Strengths ◂

  • 1. Attentive to Details🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer gives attention to detail while completing the task given to him.

  • 2. Concentration🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has a high concentration and can fully focus on the task at hand.

  • 3. Diplomacy🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is diplomatic and has the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

  • 4. Dominant🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer tends to be in control and likes it and takes charge making people follow directions without angering them.

  • 5. Enthusiasm🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is enthusiastic. He is energetic & interested in a particular subject. 

  • 6. The Fluidity of Thoughts🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has the fluidity of thoughts. S/he can follow and change the thoughts smoothly.

  • 7. Frankness🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is frank, open, honest & direct in nature.

  • 8. High Self-Esteem🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has high self-esteem and holds himself in positive regard.

  • 9. Optimism🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is optimistic i.e. hopeful & confident about the future.

  • 10. Organization Ability🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is organised and has ability to create order out of chaos.

  • 11. Manual Dexterity🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is skillful, good with machines and has good coordination.

  • 12. Loyalty🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is loyal, faithful & devoted to someone or something.

  • 13. Persistence🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is persistent and have quality of not giving up.

  • 14. Positiveness🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is positive i.e. full of hope & confidence.

  • 15. Self-Reliance & Leadership🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is emotional self-sufficient.

  • 16. Will Power🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has ability to control his own actions, emotions, or urges.

  • 17. The Desire for Responsibility🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer desire to be needed by large number of people and will need to be in leader role.

  • 18. Intuition🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has ability to understand something instinctively.

▸ Areas of Improvement ◂

  • 1. Selective Listener🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is selective listener i.e. the phenomenon that occurs when we only hear what we want to hear.

  • 2. Sensitive to Criticism🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer get negatively impacted by any criticism, even when the criticism is constructive & intended to be helpful.

  • 3. Temper🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has high temper i.e. s/he gets any very quickly.

  • 4. Too Many Irons in the Fire🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer gets engaged in too many activities.

  • 5. The Desire for More Physical Activity🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has the desire for more physical activities such as exercise, travel or sex.

  • 6. Domineering🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is domineering i.e. arrogant, bossy like military dictator.

  • 7. Dual Personality🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has dual (multiple) personality sometimes introvert and sometime extrovert.

  • 8. Fear of Success🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is afraid of achievement. and has success anxiety, success phobia.

  • 9. Extravagant🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is extravagant i.e. spends more money than they can afford or uses more of something than is reasonable.

  • 10. Lives for the Moment🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer lives for the moment i.e. S/he concentrate on the present, with little or no concern for the future.

  • 11. Low Self-Esteem🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has low self-esteem. S/he lacks confidence and feel incompetent.

  • 12. Procrastination🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is procrastinator i.e. the one who delays the tasks until last minute.

  • 13. Physical Frustration🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has some frustration in areas such as relationships, exercise, or sexual activity.

  • 14. Resentment🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has resentment i.e. a feeling of anger because you have been forced to accept something that you do not like.

  • 15. Lying🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer tendency of lying.

  • 16. Jealousy🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has feeling of jealousy, insecurity, fear, etc.

  • 17. Ego Strength🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer has inflated-ego, healthy-ego or low-ego.

  • 18. Perversion🔗
    ▸This trait concerns whether the writer is pervert in nature.


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and always remember
"With great power & knowledge comes great responsibility"


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Thanks & Regards,
-Akshay P Daga
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