All Internet of things (IOT) Tutorials in sequence using Arduino, NodeMCU & Raspberry Pi

All Internet of things (IOT) Tutorials in sequence using Arduino, NodeMCU & Raspberry Pi
Internet of Things (IOT) is a booming field. Almost each and every company is moving towards IOT and adding IOT functionality to their existing products. This is high time to start learning IOT. You can start learning IOT for free of cost. I have done some work in IOT with the hands-on board like Arduino Mega, NodeMCU (ESP8266) and Raspberry Pi, etc.

These are the links for the IoT- Internet of Things tutorials in sequence for beginners:

Every tutorial given below has working programs/codes available to download for free and demo video for ease of understanding.

  1. IoT Tutorial #1 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #1 ]
    #1 Arduino Mega: GPIO Testing using Switch and LED

  2. IoT Tutorial #2 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #2 ]
    #2 Arduino Mega: Serial Communication to Toggle the LED

  3. IoT Tutorial #3 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #3 ]
    #3 Arduino Mega: Obstacle detection / People counter using IR Sensor

  4. IoT Tutorial #4 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #4 ]
    #4 Arduino Mega: Bluetooth Communication to Toggle the LED (using HC-05)

  5. IoT Tutorial #5 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #5 ]
    #5 Arduino Mega - How to Configure HC-05 Bluetooth Module using AT Commands? | DumpBox

  6. IoT Tutorial #6 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #6 ]
    #6 Arduino Mega: IR Obstacle Counter displayed using Bluetooth Communication (HC-05) on Android Mobile)

  7. IoT Tutorial #7 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #7]
    #7 Introduction to ESP01 WiFi Module Commands | Arduino Mega

  8. IoT Tutorial #8 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #8 ]
    #8 Arduino Mega: Display Realtime Temperature graph on cloud (using LM35 and ESP01)

  9. IoT Tutorial #9 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #1 ]
    #9 NodeMCU: Connect to Arduino IDE and Upload LED Blinking program

  10. IoT Tutorial #10 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #2 ]
    #10 NodeMCU: Display Realtime Temperature graph on ThinkSpeak cloud (using LM35 and ESP8266)

  11. IoT Tutorial #11 [ Arduino Mega Tutorials #9 ]
    #11 Arduino Mega: TalkBack Application to Control LED - ThinkSpeak Server

  12. IoT Tutorial #12 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #3 ]
    #12 NodeMCU: TalkBack Application to Control LED - ThinkSpeak Server

  13. IoT Tutorial #13 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #1 ]
    #13 Raspberry Pi 3: Configure and Boot RPi3 for first time and Connect using SSH and VNC (using Command line)

  14. IoT Tutorial #14 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #2 ]
    #14 Begin with Raspberry Pi 3: Blink LED (Python Program)

  15. IoT Tutorial #15 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #3 ]
    #15 Raspberry Pi: Initialise CGI server on RPi3 to make it Gateway (for Node-Gateway IoT Architecture)

  16. IoT Tutorial #16 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #4 & NodeMCU Tutorials #4 ]
    #16 Node-Gateway IoT Architecture: Temperature graph on Cloud using NodeMCU & Raspberry Pi

  17. IoT Tutorial #17 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #5 ]
    #17 Raspberry Pi: Publish - Subscribe IoT Architecture Demo using PubNub server (Python Program)

  18. IoT Tutorial #18 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #6 ]
    #18 Raspberry Pi: Install and Test Mosquitto MQTT Broker on Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian Stretch OS)

  19. IoT Tutorial #19 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #7 & NodeMCU Tutorials #5 ]
    #19 Control LED from Mobile using Pub-Sub architecture RPi3: MQTT Broker, NodeMCU: Client

  20. IoT Tutorial #20 [ Raspberry Pi Tutorials #8 ]
    #20 Install aws amazon sdk on Raspberry Pi 3 and Test connection (Publish - Subscribe IoT Architecture)

  21. IoT Tutorial #21 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #6 ]
    #21 NodeMCU: Flash the Lua & MicroPython firmware on NodeMCU ESP8266

  22. IoT Tutorial #22 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #7 ]
    #22 NodeMCU: Begin with Lua Programming (LED Blinking)

  23. IoT Tutorial #23 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #8 ]
    #23 NodeMCU: MQTT Publish-Subscribe communication using Lua Program

  24. IoT Tutorial #24 [ NodeMCU Tutorials #9 ]
    #24 NodeMCU: Begin with MicroPython Programming (LED Blinking)


  1. IoT Tutorial #24 [ Python Tutorials #1 ]
    Python: Reading data from local CSV file and Processing the data

  2. IoT Tutorial #25 [ Python Tutorials #2 ]
    Python: Reading a CSV file from a given URL and plotting its graph using pandas library

  3. IoT Tutorial #26 [ Python Tutorials #3 ]
    Python: Predictive Analysis - supervised learning: k-nearest neighbours algorithm

Click here to see solutions for all Machine Learning Coursera Assignments.
Click here to see more codes for Raspberry Pi 3 and similar Family.
Click here to see more codes for NodeMCU ESP8266 and similar Family.
Click here to see more codes for Arduino Mega (ATMega 2560) and similar Family.
Feel free to ask doubts in the comment section. I will try my best to answer it.
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This is the simplest way to encourage me to keep doing such work.
Thanks & Regards,

-Akshay P Daga
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